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21 days to go

Hi it’s Marylyn I forgot to do a blog yesterday. So the surgical center called and told me I didn’t need to start my semi liquid diet yet, I cut out veggies next week and meat the week after so I only have the semi liquid for 1 week. Yes I was happy because that meant I’ll have energy again. Yay!!!! Let me tell you though my stomach was PISSED at me last night. After having no solids for almost 4 days and then getting meat and veggies oh boy was it pissed at me. Bathroom and cramps for a good portion of the evening.

I slept decent last night once I was able to fall asleep and woke up feeling refreshed. Today is a new day and 1 day closer to SURGERY! Our luggage comes on Thursday and I can not wait because I will be packing asap!

With all the negativity in this world I’m so amazed and truly grateful to have so many supporters. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

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