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PROUD MOMENT, Maddi here:

So Marylyn told me today that Pompeii the place where she is getting surgery for weight loss done.

They can’t accommodate her scooter in their transport from San Diego. This hasn’t stopped her though.

She is still determined and realize she will have to walk some. We are looking for hotels closer to airports so it’s less of a walk for her. Or use Uber ❤️ we will see which minimizes the cost, feel free to gift us Uber gift cards lol 😂 or gift cards jk, we will figure this out ❤️

I’m just proud of her she is not letting this become an obstacle to achieve her goals.

Proud of you ❤️💯

23 days til her surgery.

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How about get a job so you don't have to mooch off people for expenses you and only you are responsible for?

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